
Memory Support

Memory Support: Healing Foods Series

Memory support, assistance with Alzheimer’s, help through dementia; is there anything else that I can do to help keep my brain in tact?
Our intent at AAI Rejuvenation Clinic is always to bring insight and new knowledge to our interested readers. This is the first entry of our “Healing Foods Series”. We’d like to, above everything, emphasize the fact that none of our posts are written with the intent to substitute any medicinal regimen or protocol your current doctor or medical center has structured for you. Though the majority of our therapies, such as Testosterone therapy and hGH therapy, mainly consist of bio-identical, natural medications, AAI Clinics wholeheartedly believes in and gives credence to Western medicine. We believe that the combination of the two can bring about some fantastic, sometimes seemingly miraculous results to needing participants. Of course, no regiment should be started before consulting with your preferred medical professional.
Lets open the topic with the discussion of Alzheimer’s. It mainly occurs when nerve cells in some main areas of the brain become damaged, or even destroyed. Because these cause a disruption in the transferring of information, a decline in cognitive function becomes inevitable. Also, heavy metal poisoning accounts for a significant increase in Alzheimer’s over the last century. Think about how much aluminum and mercury we are constantly exposed to.
Well, did you know Cilantro has specific phytochemicals to naturally “chelate out” heavy metal?
Lets attack the issue of mental declination. There are options out there for better memory support, even for people that are already suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia or any type of mentally crippling illness. Fueling your body and eating food high in the specific nutrients and vitamins that you need can help your body in its natural process and ability to heal itself.
Please leave us comments or questions…. Also, if you have a specific ailment you’re interested in hearing possible natural alternatives for, send us a message. We can help each other. You give us a new blog to create and we give you some great, insightful options to help yourself with on your quest to wellness.
You can also reach us by filling out our Medical History Form or by calling us at:
